Ukrainian forces have managed to resist a Russian offensive for months, in spite of constant attacks along the eastern front line. As Russia's progress slows, Ukraine is preparing to strike back, taking advantage of this crucial opportunity. Ukrainian forces are stocking up on ammunition, securing long-range artillery and battle tanks from Western allies, and increasing their army size. The optimal timing for an offensive remains uncertain, but preparations could culminate by June or July.
Artillery and adequate shell supplies will be essential for the Ukrainian offensive, as long-range duels dominate the conflict. The European Union recently agreed on a €2 billion ($2.2 billion) plan to keep Ukraine stocked, but nearly half of the package would need to be delivered for the offensive to succeed. To compensate for potential ammunition shortages, Ukrainian forces are focusing on precision over quantity.
Military recruitment advertisements in Kyiv indicate large-scale efforts to build a new force for the offensive, despite the lack of disclosure regarding casualties from the year-long battle. Ukraine is also urging Western allies to provide fighter jets, as it struggles to maintain air superiority. Although leaked US intelligence suggests that Ukraine may be low on certain hardware and precision ammunition, Kyiv denies that these details could compromise their future offensive.
You have made no comments on the M3 vehicle. One unit can be a ferry and carry a 60 ton Leopard tank. The units can be linked together and become a pontoon bridge within minutes. The bridge across the Rhine was constructed within 16 hours in 1945. Heavy air attacks were unsuccessful. The M3 system also has a simulator which allows training, just like an aircraft simulator. When I read comments about rivers being natural barriers, that is good . . . someone is going to rely upon that to his detriment. Bradleys do not weigh 60 tons. They weight 30 tons and by putting one Bradley on an M3 there is another 10 feet or more of addi…
So, I have a question. Why do some conservatives such as Tucker C. on Fox seem to feel the US should stay out of helping Ukraine? Is it just that some corrupt people might steal supplies/equipment to sell for their own profit? This seems to be a (self interest) great way to burn up the Russian army for several years with no US involvement. After all, the Russians started it (in 2014).
Its a tough one and none of us have full knowledge of what happens behind the scenes. Thinks Homeland Security in the US must be all over this. Leaked doc may be a counter feint , cant believe a 21year old kid bypassed all the security on a Minecraft chatgroup. Thats insane and feels like some real spy stories. Paul is 100% right in saying that there is a window for the counter offensive. The more time goes by the more Orcs are building their defenses and this will slow the offensive. As you know offence takes high casualty numbers. Really wish the West gives Ukraine what they need to finish this. Including ATACAMS and F16's and enough Ammo. Ukrainians…
I am looking forward to see what and where this counter offensive turns out to be. Ukraine has proved to be unpredictable and creative in their defensive and offensive measures. Militaries around the world are watching and learning. Obviously western support has given them a lot of capability but something tells me that even without it we would still be watching a russian military struggling to subdue a people who have decided they set their own course. They are living out an ideal we in the US say we adhere to. 'I would rather die on my feet than live on my knees.' That is unbreakable when you genuinely believe it. And no force can suppress that belief. Slava Ukraini!
Putin must be stopped no matter what the consequences, including the use of nuclear weapons